Monday, June 17, 2013

"Let God walk with you, someday He'll let a right man join into this path."

As single Christians pursuing God with perseverance, there are times that we will have COUNTERFEITS enter into our lives. Even though our Heavenly Father has already told us to "wait," and to "be still" in our prayers of marital desires, we will still ponder if so and so may be the one for us in the backs of our minds.

While we are in our "waiting" season, counterfeits will come. Counterfeit is an imitation of something. God has clearly already told us to WAIT, yet when someone else stumbles into our lives, we will believe that perhaps this person may be the one because God hasn't answered our first prayer yet!

She/He may be beautiful/handsome, strong in her/his faith and she/he may seem like "the one," but ONLY our Father knows who is perfect for us! He will give us a spouse that will truly love us unconditionally, someone who will be patient when we fall (because we will at times)! He wants to give us our very BEST!

Let's allow God to make our decisions for us. Let's WAIT ON HIM to give us the GREEN LIGHT before we actively pursue something! "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." (Prov 3:5-6).

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