Tuesday, July 23, 2013

"A man who will lead you to God and not to sin, is always worth the WAIT."

It matters whom you marry. So to all the young, unmarried Christian girls out there, listen up: who you marry matters. You might think that the way he treats you isn't so bad. It’s not going to get better after the wedding. You might think that he’ll change. It’s possible, but most don’t. You might think that you’ll be able to minister to him and help him. Possibly, but if you can’t now, you won’t then, and you will be at risk yourself. A husband should lead and cherish you. (Source: TheChristianPundit.org) 
Penting dengan siapa Anda menikah. Jadi, untuk semua anak muda, wanita2 Kristen yang belum menikah di luar sana, dengarkan: Penting dengan siapa Anda menikah. Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa cara ia memperlakukan Anda tidak begitu buruk. Tapi ini tidak akan menjadi lebih baik setelah pernikahan. Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa dia akan berubah. Itu mungkin, tapi kebanyakan tidak. Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa Anda akan dapat melayani dia dan membantunya. Mungkin, tetapi jika Anda tidak bisa sekarang, Anda juga tidak akan bisa di kemudian hari, dan Anda akan menanggung risiko itu sendiri. Seorang suami harus memimpin dan menghargai Anda. (Sumber: TheChristianPundit.org) 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"Choose a man whose character is fashioned by grace."

"A REAL man, is the kind of man a woman wants to give her life to, is one who will respect her dignity, who will honor her like the valuable treasure she is.
A REAL man will not attempt to rip her precious pearl from it's protective shell, or persuade her with charm to give away her treasure prematurely, but he will wait patiently until she willingly gives him the prize of her heart.
A REAL man will cherish and care for that prize forever." ~Leslie Ludy <3
Seorang pria yang SESUNGGUHNYA, adalah jenis pria yang wanita ingin memberikan hidupnya, ia adalah orang yang akan menghormati martabatnya, yang akan menghormatinya seperti hartanya yang berharga.
Seorang pria SESUNGGUHNYA tidak akan mencoba untuk merobek mutiara berharga dari cangkang pelindung itu, atau membujuknya dengan pesona untuk memberikan hartanya yang prematur, tapi dia akan menunggu dengan sabar sampai ia rela memberinya hatinya sebagai hadiah.
Seorang pria SESUNGGUHNYA  akan menghargai dan merawat hadiah itu selamanya. -Leslie Ludy 

"God will direct a godly man to you."

Wait for a man who won't hesitate to remind you of God's perfect love, even in public.
Wait for that someone who will shamelessly be your partner in ministry, who will help you in your growth as a daughter of the living God.
He may be imperfect; you may have fights, but those setbacks won't ever make him let you go.
Wait for that man. He will have his flaws, but his dependence on God will bring the two of you through.
Wait for that man, because God will direct him to you. 
Menunggu seorang pria yang tidak akan ragu untuk mengingatkan Anda tentang kasih Allah yang sempurna, bahkan di depan umum.
Menunggu seseorang yang tanpa malu-malu akan menjadi mitra anda dalam pelayanan, yang akan membantu Anda dalam pertumbuhan Anda sebagai putri Allah yang hidup.
Dia mungkin tidak sempurna, dan Anda mungkin memiliki perkelahian, tetapi kemunduran itu tidak akan pernah membuat dia membiarkan Anda pergi.
Tunggulah orang itu.
Dia akan memiliki kekurangan, tapi ketergantungannya pada Allah akan membawa Anda berdua melaluinya.
Tunggulah orang itu, karena Tuhan akan mengarahkan dia untuk Anda. 

"There is no time lost in waiting when you're waiting on the Lord."

Waiting for God 

When waiting for God, He blesses you. “Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him” (Isaiah 30:18).

What does it mean to be blessed by God while we wait on Him? As we wait on God and His timing, He can accomplish so much in our hearts. Often we find new purpose in life, receive answers to prayer, see God work, increase our faith, and most often we see God’s perfect plan fulfilled in our situation.
Remember, waiting is not wasted time!
(shared via allaboutprayer.org)
Menunggu Allah 

Ketika menunggu waktu Allah, Dia memberkati Anda. "Sebab itu TUHAN menanti-nantikan saatnya hendak menunjukkan kasih-Nya kepada kamu; sebab itu Ia bangkit hendak menyayangi kamu. Sebab TUHAN adalah Allah yang adil; berbahagialah semua orang yang menanti-natikan Dia!" "(Yesaya 30:18).

Apa artinya untuk diberkati oleh Allah sementara kita menunggu Dia? Seperti kita menunggu Tuhan dan waktu-Nya, Dia bisa menggenapi begitu banyak dalam hati kita. Seringkali kita menemukan tujuan baru dalam hidup, menerima jawaban doa, melihat pekerjaan Tuhan, meningkatkan iman kita, dan paling sering kita melihat rencana Allah yang sempurna yang digenapi dalam situasi kita.
Ingat, menunggu bukan hal membuang-buang waktu! God bless..  ^_^

"God will give you the person who loves you like Jesus does."

Find that one person who loves Jesus more than you and is willing to try their best to love you like Jesus does.

"God wants to use you while you're single".

God has a plan for you as a single. 
Yes HE can use you while you are single.. 
Let HIM show you how HE wants to use you right now!

Friday, July 12, 2013

"Ladies, Place your heart in the hands of God and He will place it in the hands of a man who He believes deserves it."

Young ladies, don't be in a hurry to be in a relationship. Enjoy being single, it gives you an opportunity to become closer to God. When you feel that you are ready to be in a relationship be careful of the choices you make for it will make a huge impact on your future and your children's future. Don't get into a serious relationship with the first guy that comes along because he's interested in you. If your morals and values aren't important to him and he wants you to do things that you know in your heart to be wrong, honey he doesn't care about you nor respect you. Have enough respect for yourself and get out of that relationship. Don't ever compromise your morals, values, or beliefs for some guy! Save yourself from heartache, disappointment, depression, and unhappiness by not getting involved with an un-godly man. You don't want an un-equally yoked marriage, I come from one and it will only lead you to these things. You want a Godly man who will be the strong foundation of your home. A Godly man will lift you up, encourage you, be there for you, and bring you closer to God. You are a Daughter of God, He loves and cares for you so much and He has the right man for you, just wait until He decides to bring that man into your life because He will when the time is right... It is worth the wait! ♥ Stacy Denise
[Wanita muda, jangan terburu-buru untuk berada dalam suatu hubungan. Nikmati menjadi lajang, itu memberikan Anda kesempatan untuk menjadi dekat dengan Tuhan. Ketika Anda merasa bahwa Anda siap untuk berada dalam suatu hubungan berhati-hati dari pilihan yang Anda buat untuk itu akan membuat dampak yang besar pada masa depan Anda dan masa depan anak-anak Anda. Jangan masuk ke hubungan serius dengan pria pertama yang datang karena dia tertarik pada Anda. Jika moral dan nilai-nilai yang tidak penting baginya dan dia ingin Anda untuk melakukan hal-hal yang Anda tahu dalam hati Anda untuk menjadi salah, Sayang dia tidak peduli tentang Anda atau menghormati Anda. Hormatilah diri sendiri dan keluar dari hubungan itu. Jangan pernah mengkompromikan moral Anda, nilai-nilai, keyakinan atau untuk beberapa orang! Selamatkan diri Anda  dari sakit hati, kekecewaan, depresi, dan tidak bahagia dengan tidak terlibat dengan seorang pria yg tidak saleh. Anda tidak ingin pernikahan yang  tidak sepadan, aku datang dari satu dan hanya akan membawa Anda ke hal-hal ini. Anda ingin seorang pria saleh yang akan menjadi fondasi yang kuat dari rumah Anda. Seorang pria yang saleh akan mengangkat Anda, mendorong Anda, berada di sana untuk Anda, dan membawa Anda lebih dekat kepada Allah. Anda adalah Putri Allah, Dia mengasihi dan peduli untuk Anda begitu banyak dan Dia memiliki pria yang tepat untuk Anda, hanya tunggu sampai Dia memutuskan untuk membawa orang itu ke dalam hidup Anda karena Dia akan kapan waktu yang tepat ... Hal ini sepadan dengan menunggu! ♥ Stacy Denise]

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Faithfully - by Eric and Leslie Ludy (Song)

This is a song about two lovers who waited for years in faith that they will meet each other. It's worth a listen! :D


Tonight I saw a shooting star
Made me wonder where you are
For years I have been dreaming of you
And I wonder if you're thinking of me too
In this world of cheap romance
And love that only fades after the dance
They say that i'm a fool to wait for something more
How can I really love someone i've never seen before
But I have longed for true love every day that I have lived
And I know that real love is all about learning how to give
So I pray that god will bring you to me
And I pray you'll find me waiting faithfully

Faithfully, I am yours
From now until forever
Faithfully, I will write
Write you a love song with my life
Cause this kind of loves worth waiting for
No matter how long it takes I am yours

Tonight I saw two lovers kiss
Reminded me of my own loneliness
They say that i'm a fool to keep on praying for you
How can I give up pleasure for a dream that won't come true
But I will keep believing that god still has a plan
And though I can't see you now,
I know that he can
And someday I will give you all of me
Until I find you, i'll be waiting faithfully

Faithfully, I am yours
From now until forever
Faithfully, I will write
Write you a love song with my life
Cause this kind of loves worth waiting for
No matter how long it takes I am yours

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

9 Tips as A Single Christian (English version)

Here are nine tips for single Christians from nine different authors: 

1. The key to experiencing contentment, a full life, and abundant joy as a single is to discover and embrace the plan and calling of God for my life.

 Nancy Leigh DeMoss wrote about this in Singled Out for Him:
“In the will of God, singleness is an incredible gift, to be received with gratitude and to be used for the glory of God. Over the years, I have come to realize that contentment is a choice.

“True joy is not the result of having everything I want, but of gratefully receiving exactly what God has given me. The fact is, if we’re not content with what we have, we will never be content with what we think we want.”

2. God wants me to model femininity, no matter my status or occupation, but also to learn skills for ministry.

In Single and Satisfied, Audrey Lee Sands wrote about her arrival on the mission field and trying to figure out how to function there as a single woman. She discovered that while she had to be under authority and ladylike, she was also expected to be independent and more self-sufficient than the wives at the mission compound.

She wrote, “You don’t have to be masculine to know how to do a few things. Being feminine doesn’t mean you are helpless and have to make a nuisance of yourself.” 

3. I need to get radical about not “awakening” love until the appropriate time.

In her book, Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl, Paula Hendricks shares how she got radical about beating temptation in her own life and then encourages teenage girls to do the same. “While you and I have to expect temptation,” she writes, “we sure don’t have to feed it!” 

4. God expects me to maintain personal purity, whether I am single, married, or widowed.

Joy Jacobs and Deborah Strubel wrote a book titled Single, Whole and Holy: Christian Women and Sexuality. While acknowledging women’s struggle with emotions, the battle for sexual purity “is a battle of the mind,” they say. “Our thought choices determine our feeling choices and our behavior choices.” 

5. My desires are a means to my holiness and greater intimacy with the God who loves me.

In her powerful book, Thrive: The Single Life as God Intended, Lina Abujamra writes, “Your desires are not meant to defeat you. Your desires are a gift that God has given to you to draw you into greater intimacy with Him. The road to greater intimacy with the Lord is called your sanctification process, and it is evidenced by an increasing holiness in your life.”

Younger singles, especially, may view holiness as archaic or boring; Abujamra understands. “Right now, you’re too cool to be a holy roller,” she wrote. “Holiness gets a bad rap. Who, in their right mind, wants to be holy? Can’t we settle for just normal?” Yet she assures readers that holiness, properly understood, is God’s plan for every single Christian, “and it’s His goal for you if you want to thrive,” she said.

6. I will embrace the potential power and influence of my femininity, not only in my ministry, but especially in my relationships with men.

In Answering the Guy Questions, Leslie Ludy writes, “As women, we have a far greater power over the course of masculinity than most of us realize. We can use our femininity to influence men toward strength or toward weakness.” 

7. I will not settle for less than God’s best regarding a potential mate. 

Renee Fisher wrote about this principle in Not Another Dating Book. In the devotional titled “More,” she reminded women that waiting on God is never futile. Waiting for His best is never foolish. (On the other hand, while we are waiting and learning how to recognize God’s best, we also need to remember that we are all frail-and-failing flesh. A perfect Prince Charming simply does not exist. The only perfect man was Jesus.) Trust God instead of leaning on your “own understanding” “don’t be “wise in your own eyes” (Prov. 3:5–7).

8. I will not put my life “on hold” waiting for a man to fulfill my life. My deepest needs—especially for love—are only satisfied as I focus on Jesus Christ.

Lydia Brownback explored this truth in her book, Fine China Is for Single Women Too. “Life doesn’t begin when you get married,” she wrote. “This is your life! You will never find contentment in living for what you hope tomorrow may hold.”

Brownback quotes Joshua Harris: “Don’t do something about your singleness; do something with it.” Fine china is not just for married women, she says, and neither is a purpose-filled life. Every single woman can seek God for the unique contributions He has ordained her to make for the Kingdom and to serve others. “If you actively pursue a Christ-centered focus in all you are and do, you will find your mind and heart being transformed to desire Him above anything else.” 

9. I Will Get Lost in the One Who Loves Me Most!

Dannah Gresh has a brand new book, Get Lost: Your Guide to Finding True Love. She tells girls to be so “lost in God” that a guy will have to seek Him to find her.

Gresh wrote, “My own unholy desires began to fade, and I was tamed by God’s desires for me. I was able to approach this whole guy/girl thing with incredible certainty and joy that the God of the universe had a good plan for me, and I needed to stop messing it up with mine.” 

Each of these authors have far more to share than I posted here. If you are single today, you are not alone, though you may sometimes feel lonely and confused. God wants to draw you close to His heart and enlist you in the great adventure He has planned for you. All He asks is that you are single-focused on Him.

What lesson stood out to you? What is God teaching you as a single Christian?

The Marriage Prayer (Song) -by John Waller & wife

This song I want to dedicate to all the married couples or those who seek to getting marry someday or soon...hoping every couples/singles put God first in everything they do. May all the men and women seek to love God more than anything else and not fall into the temptation that Satan has ready to trap anyone who falls in it. It's a great song sung by John Waller featuring his wife Josee Waller. They did an awesome job at this song of lifting up one another to God and asking for God to help lead them to love one another...Enjoy!

Father, I said till
Death do us part
I want to mean it
With all of my heart
Help me to love you
More than I love her
Then I know I can
Love her more
Than anyone else

And bring her in
Your presence today
Make her what
You want her to be

I pray to hear her heart
I pray she'll love you more
I pray to cherish and serve her
And we'll bring you glory today, I pray

[Verse 2: ~Josee Waller~]
Father, I said till
Death do us part
I want to mean it
With all of my heart
Help me to love you
More than I love him
Then I know I can
Love him more
Than anyone else

And bring him in
Your presence today
Make him what
You want him to be

Lord, help me love her
As you love the church, your bride
(Josee) Help me submit to him
As I submit to you, my life
Chorus: (2x)

This is my prayer Amen

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"After all my strength is gone, in You I can be strong." (A very beautiful sharing&song)

I look to You - Selah
Songwriters: KELLY, ROBERT S.

As I lay me down,
Heaven hear me now.
I'm lost without a cause
After giving it my all.

Winter storms have come
And darkened my sun.
After all that I've been through
Who on earth can I turn to?

I look to you.
I look to you.
After all my strength is gone,
In you I can be strong
I look to you.
I look to you.
And when melodies are gone,
In you I hear a song.
I look to you.

About to lose my breathe,
There's no more fighting left,
Sinking to rise no more,
Searching for that open door.

And every road that I've taken
Lead to my regret.
And I don't know if I'm going to make it.
Nothing to do but lift my head

*Back to Reff

My levees are broken
My walls have come
Tumbling down on me

The rain is falling.
Defeat is calling.
I need you to set me free.

Take me far away from the battle.
I need you.
Shine on me.

*Back to Reff

Monday, July 1, 2013

"O women, please don't awaken love until the time is right."

“The love of God is the greatest force in the universe. Sin wilts before it. When you encounter the undaunted and unending love of Christ, it changes you. You no longer want to sin. The passing pleasures of this world lose their appeal because you have found a love that is truer and better by far.”
—Paul Ellis

Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, not to awaken love until the time is right. (Song of Solomon 8:4)

"Don't go back to less, just because you're too impatient to wait for the best!"

The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives. The harder you have to fight for something, the more priceless it will become once you achieve it. And the more pain you have to endure on your journey, the sweeter the arrival at your destination. All good things are worth waiting for and worth fighting for! ~Susan Gale~♥