Tuesday, January 16, 2018

♥ 7 Check List Untuk Membimbing Kita Memilih dengan Sempurna ♥

7 Check List Untuk Membimbing Kita Memilih dengan Sempurna (baca Filipi 1:9-11) :

1. Komitmen bertumbuh secara pribadi dalam Kristus / Commitment to grow personally in Christ (Filipi 2:12)
2. Visi hidupnya menyenangkan Tuhan / Vision to please God (Filipi 1:21-22a)
3. Jujur / Honest (Lukas 16:10)
4. Dewasa & Tanggung Jawab / Mature & Responsible (1 Korintus 13:11)
5. Gambar dirinya sehat / Healthy Self-Image (Matius 22:39)
6. Sikapnya positif terhadap hidup / Positive Attitude in Life (Filipi 4:4)
7. Jatuh Cinta / Personal Chemistry (Kidung Agung 8:5-7)

Monday, July 10, 2017

"In True Love We Trust and Give Space" | by Zen Moment

Learning how to give space in a relationship is vital to a happy, secure, and trusting relationship, and like anything of value, it requires focused effort. Falling in love is the easy part. Making a relationship work requires trust and understanding far beyond what you might think. 
Starting a new relationship can be a bit like entering a dreamscape. Your new love; perhaps your first love; it is all so intoxicating. They say that love is all there is; it’s that important. Do you feel that way? If you do, then as things of value go, a genuine relationship tops your list of desires. And when you desire something what do you do? You want to possess it, right?
Now it gets a bit sticky, because, can you actually possess love? If you think you can, does that also mean that you own your lover in the same way as you hold tight to the love you feel? Think about that. Each day thousands of relationships die a painful and largely pointless death, because couples mistake their needs and insecurities for genuine love.

What is true love?

Well for starters here are some things love is not. Genuine love has nothing whatever to do with your selfishness, jealously, and possessiveness. You cannot capture love, and you cannot hold the love of your life — your wife or husband, girlfriend or boyfriend — a prisoner of your insecurities. Nor can you rewind and freeze-frame your relationship at some idyllic point in the past or in your imagination. True love is beauty. Not external beauty, but the beauty you will experience when you allow your love — and your lover — to grow and expand. Love is nurtured by giving space.
Every romance must deepen or die. You either support and encourage one another’s growth as individuals, or you restrict and confine one another until there is no life left in your relationship. You get to choose. Learn to trust enough to give mental and physical space to your partner, and you will have a confident and happy relationship.
True love then is unselfish and unconditional. Your love celebrates your lover’s independent growth without the need for you to possess or control. You are confident and happy when your partner discovers new personal power and direction. That is true love. How would you rate your relationship? Is it true love?

Create trust | give space

If you are wondering why you should trust your lover and give him or her space, you might ask yourself why you are in a relationship in the first place. If you are in it mainly to possess comfort, sex, money, security, social or even self-acceptance, then love is not on your agenda. You can safely forget about it and continue on your mutual path of self gratification, possession, and power struggles.
But if you are open to finding true unconditional love, then the road passes right through the heart of your selfishness, your jealousy, and your possessiveness — and it emerges on the opposite side. You must navigate these base emotions before you can move your relationship onto higher ground.
Is it difficult? Well, yes it is, but…
If you really care about your life partner — your possible soulmate — you will want them to achieve their highest potential, and you will want to give them the space required to make that happen. You both need space to grow as much as you need air to breathe. Neither of you benefits if you smother one another. Trust, and space, are powerful ways to save a dying relationship that has spiralled out of control from being too much in control. So relax, breathe, and trust your partner enough to give him or her some time and space; some room to grow.
These everyday spaces can be for quiet contemplation, to enjoy a friend’s company, or to explore personal directions. This space is the creative vortex where you as a couple explore life and create through your differences; entwined but separate beings, loving and living in the creative gap between you.

How to give space?

You can give your partner space on many levels. It can be as obvious as physical space, or time space, and it can be as subtle as psychic and emotional space. It comes down to trust and unconditional love. We all need this type of love, trust, and support to achieve our best. 
Just ask yourself: What freedoms and support would you want from an ideal relationship? Now, just claim and extend that freedom and support in your current relationship to see where it might lead. Let go a bit; test the waters of trust; support your lover’s sense of freedom and enthusiasm as much as you would like yours supported. Do this, and you will see your relationship heal as you both grow into more complete individuals.
Don’t compete with your partner or try to possess them. Instead, celebrate your individual strengths. Support and encourage the best within each of you.
However you choose to give your partner space, or in what form you ask your partner for this trust and freedom, know that the space you give or receive is directly proportional to your growth as a couple.
The less you try to possess your lover, the more true love you will experience. Give space and be free!
Over to you now…
Source: https://www.zen-moments.com/in-true-love-we-trust-and-give-space.html

Monday, December 21, 2015

"Restoring Strained or Broken Relationship"

Restoring Strained or Broken Relationships (3)


1.         Restoration starts with God


By now, some of you are getting impatient.  You are probably wondering “what can I do about my relationship?”  If that describes you, then you are still not ready.  Restoring strained and broken relationships does not start with tackling your problem.  It starts with getting close to God.  The focus is not on your troubled relationship.  Instead, the focus is on getting close to God.  It is not you who will solve the problem.  It is God who will help you solve the problem.


2.         God makes something out of nothing


The Bible says: Romans 4:17 – “God gives life to the dead and calls those things that do not exist as though they did.” This verse was referring to God’s encounter with Abraham.  God told Abraham that he would be a father of many nations.  However, when God met him, Abraham had been childless for many years. The truth we can learn from the incident is that God can make something out of nothing.


Abraham did not have a son when God spoke to him.  His body was way past his fertility.  But God gives life to the dead and He calls things that do not exist (i.e. Abraham’s son) as though they do.  In God’s eyes, Abraham was already a father even though physically, he was not.


3.         God brings dead relationships to life


God too can bring dead relationships to life.  A good relationship between you and your spouse or child may now not exist, but God promises that if you believe in Him, He can call up relationships that do not exist as though they do.  You can trust God to restore your strained and broken relationships because He can make something out of nothing.


In Genesis 1, we read that the earth was formless and empty, i.e. there was nothing.  Yet when God spoke “Let there be light” and there was light.  In the same way, He spoke everything into existence when previously they were not existent eg. sky, vegetation, sun, moon, etc.  God also can speak into your empty relationship and make it full again.


4.         Have faith in God


Like Abraham, you need to have faith in God who will restore your relationships.  Without faith, God will not work.  God doesn’t work according to needs.  He works according to faith.  To have faith in God means that you are sure of what you hope for, you are certain of what you cannot see (Hebrews 11:1).  Tell God that you will have faith in Him to restore your relationships.  Thank Him for helping you. When you speak in faith, you are following God’s example of calling into existence the things that don’t exist.


5.         Reflection


For the next 3 days, pray to God daily and He will listen to you.  He loves to hear your prayers.  In fact, He stores up your prayers because He loves what you say.  Tell Him daily about the strains and breaks in your relationships.  Ask Him to bring about fullness when your relationship is empty.  Believe that He will restore your relationships.  Just rest in His promise that He can call those things that don’t exist as though they do (Romans 4:17).



Meanwhile, spend time worshipping Him in songs of praise, read your Bible, meditate on His truths and just enjoy talking to God about everything in your life.  Don’t be afraid of losing your relationships.  Why?  Because you won’t lose them when God is helping you.  

How to deal with your fear?  The Bible says that the antidote for fear is love.  “Where God’s love is, there is no fear because God’s perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18).  Just accept God’s love for you.